Affiliation with International Platforms

Affiliation with International Platforms

Affiliation with International Platforms

International Level

1 Asia Dalit Rights Forum (ADRF) Kathmandu, Nepal. Executive Member Works to promote Dalit human rights in Asia region and lobbying at UN level.
2 Network of Improved Policing in South Asia (NIPSA) Member A regional network of individuals and organizations to promote and enhance civil society participation in police reform debates and influence legal and policy changes towards better policing.
3 South Asian Feminist Alliance for Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (SAFA) Core committee Member A coalition of feminists from South Asian countries is actively pursuing the realization of economic, social and cultural rights of women.
4 Global Legal Empowerment Network (NAMATI) Member A global network of the people and organizations involving promoting grassroots legal empowerment.
5 Asia Pacific Forum on Women Law and Development (APWLD), Bangkok, Thailand Member A platform is working on women empowerment and capacity building of women at Asia pacific region.
6 Food First International Action Network (FIAN International) Heidelberg, Germany Member An international platform working for right to adequate food globally.
7 Habitat International Coalition (HIC) Member A global network for the rights to habitat and social justice.
8 South Asian Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE) Kathmandu, Nepal Member SAAPE’s main focus is poverty eradication through policy research, advocacy, lobbying and campaign works on five key themes, which are priority concerns for civil society in all countries of the region.