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Bangladesh Human Rights Forum (BHRF)-a coalition of 19 human rights organizations |
Member of Steering Committee |
- Prepare UPR report- already submitted two cycles civil society national report at UN;
- Submitted alternative Civil and political Rights report at UN;
- Continuous advocacy and lobbying at national and international level to implement UPR recommendations.
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Shushasoner Jonno Nagorik (Shujan) |
CEO of NU is holding the position of Joint Secretary of National committee |
- A platform of civil society organizations work across the country to promote good governance and strengthening electoral process for institutionalizing democratic process.
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Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA) |
CEO of NU is holding the position of Joint Secretary |
- A platform of hundreds local and national level organizations and individual civil society members is working to promote and protect environment in Bangladesh.
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Citizens’ Initiatives for Domestic Violence (CIDV) |
Member |
- A platform of 30 NGOs is working to protect domestic violence;
- This platform played the key role to enact the Domestic Violence Act, 2010.
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Governance Advocacy Forum |
Member |
- A platform of 35 national level organizations is advocating for strengthening local government.
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Bangladesh Dalit and Excluded Rights Movement (BDERM) |
Advisor |
- A national platform to promote the rights of the Dalit.
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Campaign for Right to Food and Social Security (RtF&SS) |
NU works as Secretariat |
- A national level network to promote the concept of right to food, advocacy to enact right to food law and awareness raising on social security issues.
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Water Rights Forum |
Core Committee Member |
- A platform of 7 national organizations is working for right to water, river saving and awareness raising on trans- boundary water issues.
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Bangladesh Water Integrity Network |
Core Committee Member |
- A platform of 17 national human rights organizations is working on water management for water integrity issues.
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Bangladesh Labour Rights Forum |
NU works as Secretariat |
- A platform of 30 labor rights organizations to promote rights of the informal sector workers and advocating to enact a law for informal sector;
- Advocated for recently approved Domestic Workers’ Welfare Policy
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Campaign on Citizens Right to Information (CCRTI) |
NU works as Secretariat |
- A platform advocated for enacting RTI law since 2003;
- It is working to improve transparency and accountability by using RTI act;
- Capacity building to using RTI act.
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National Girl Child Advocacy Forum |
Member |
- A national platform is working for promoting rights of girl child.
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Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh |
Partner |
- Being encouraged by the two features of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) i.e. transformative and inclusive and remaining committed to implementing 2030 Agenda, a group of individuals has taken an initiative to set up the Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh with the objective to contribute to the delivery of the SDGs and enhance accountability in its implementation process.