NU is currently involved in advocating the issues related to our focus areas and programmes at both local and national levels.
Locally, NU focuses on ensuring the implementation of existing laws and policies aimed at protecting women and improving their rights. Focus is also placed on helping ensure the provision of poor peoples access to basic services, the greater use of government legal aid support, the effective participation of women elected representatives at the union council, the activation of the arbitration council of local government, and the strengthening of the local government’s standing committees.
NU focuses on fomulation, implementation of laws, policies, international convention and commitment in regard to human rights, rights of Dalits and excluded groups, promoting justice, environment, health, education, women rights, labor rights and gender issues. NU undertakes national level advocacy and lobby from organizational strenght as well as networking with other CSOs, individuals and platforms.
Collaboration with National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) Bangladesh:
Nagorik Uddyog is member of three thematic committees of NHRC and one special committee: 1) Dalit, Hijra and other Marginalized Committee, 2) Committe of Child Rights, Child Labor, Anti Trafficking and Migration, 3) Committe for the protection of religious and ethnic minorties and non-citizen’s rights. NU also a member of Project Implementation Committee (PIC) of NHRC and UNDP collaborative human rights programme.